What Your Contributions Support:


Dandelion Dancetheater is a grass-roots arts organization, powered mostly through the love and dedication of our artists, collaborators and supporters. We are committed to paying our artists for their courageous, creative work. Our long-term goal is to pay all of our artists and collaborators the equivalent of a living wage. However, this may take a while to realize. In the meantime, we seek to pay artists as much as possible, and simultaneously fund local productions, tours to across the country to collaborate with a wide range of partners, and innovative outreach programs.


We ask Dandelion Seeds to make a monthly financial contribution of any size. If you prefer to give one lump sum, or to donate in-kind resources, just let us know: dandelionseedsinfo@gmail.com


Following are some of the ways your monthly contributions (over the course of a year) are translated into direct support of Dandelion Dancetheater and Bandelion’s ongoing inclusive performance work:


  • $5 per month allows us to provide snacks for weekly Bandelion rehearsals for two months;


  • $10 per month allows us to pay for rehearsal space for one month of weekly Bandelion rehearsals;


  • $15 per month allows us to pay one of our artists for a weekend of local performances;


  • $18 per month allows us to pay one of our artists for four weeks of rehearsals;


  • $25 per month allows us to pay for housing for two artists in a hostel on a week-long tour;


  • $36 per month allows us to buy a plane ticket for one artist for a tour to another U.S. city;


  • $50 per month allows us to buy costumes and props for all of our performances for an entire year;


  • $72 per month allows us to rent a local performance space and hire a light and sound operator for a weekend of performances;


  • $90 per month allows us to pay half of the Bandelion ensemble for a month of rehearsals;


  • $108 per month allows us to pay our administrative assistant for four months of crucial company work;


  • $180 per month allows us to fund an entire tour for the Bandelion ensemble to a town that is driving distance from the Bay Area;


  • $360 per month can commission an original dance/theater/music work, around 20 minutes long, that can be performed locally;


  • $1,000 per month can commission an original dance/theater/music evening length work;


  • And there are countless other inclusive performance activities, of all sizes, that your contributions make possible!


Photo of Bandelion by Hans Holtan